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Whereas global warming has been acknowledged by the world’s scientific community as being responsible for climate change;


And whereas this condition is affecting the State of Florida and our communities including sunny day flooding (sea level rise), more frequent and intense hurricanes, hotter prolonged temperatures, increased red tide events, decreased air quality due to carbon emissions adversely impacting the health of our citizens;


And whereas it is the responsibility of elected officials to ensure the health and well-being of its citizens and the economic viability of our community and its environment.

I respectfully pledge in my capacity as a current or future elected public official of Sarasota County or City within, that I will remain informed about the environmental challenges facing our community and will commit resources and direct efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change in our area, both in present and future forms.

As part of those efforts, and in recognition of a national survey conducted by George Mason University in June 2020 that reveals 71% of voters support legislation to achieve a 100% clean economy by eliminating fossil fuel emissions, I will work towards decarbonizing our economy and pass a resolution (uphold resolution if in City of Sarasota) that establishes a set of time-bound goals to achieve 100% clean energy for our entire community by no later than 2045.

By signing this pledge, I commit my city/county to the growing number of over 165 cities and counties, including the City of Sarasota, and 8 states (as of mid-2020) that have passed 100% clean energy commitments since 2016. Because of these commitments over 1 in 4 Americans now live in a community that has pledged to provide clean energy, good paying jobs and a healthy environment and economy for its citizens.


Thanks for submitting!

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